How much does a School photographer make in Australia?
If we look at the School photographer salary statistics in Australia as of 9 October 2024, the represented employee makes $57,100; to be more precise pay rate is $4,758 per month, $1,098 per week, or $30.05 per hour. We have researched the job market for this profession in detail and derived average values. Salary rates can vary depending on where you are employed. In deriving an average wage, the lowest annual salary is $57,100, and the highest rate is $57,100.
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School photographer salaries in Australia FAQs
What is the highest salary for a School photographer in Australia?
The highest pay for a School photographer in Australia depends on a lot of factors. According to our research, this type of specialists in Australia can make up to $57,100 per year.
What is the lowest salary for a School photographer in Australia?
According to our research, the minimum salary for this position in Australia is $57,100. Salaries vary based on years of experience and education level.
How much money can I make as a School photographer per month in Australia?
The average monthly income for this position in Australia varies based on experience, qualifications, and other factors. Anyway, you can expect to earn around $4,758 per month.
How much money can I make as a School photographer per hour in Australia?
On average, these specialists in Australia earn around $30.05 per hour. However, this number varies depending on the specific experience and skillset of the School photographer.
Where are these data were taken?
To compile up-to-date statistical information, we researched 3 actual salaries and real wages nationwide. In addition, there are 10599 existing jobs on Jooble. Salary estimates were compiled up-to-date and as detailed as possible data on salary levels derived from the current job postings.
* Please note that all salary figures are approximate based upon third party submissions to Jooble including external links, websites, and services. The minimum wage may differ by industry.